Thank you Stan & Karalina Venable for the years of supporting Texas recording artists since your days operating the historic Badu--artists like me, Mike Blakely, Kurt Baumer, Luiz Coutinho de Souza, Chris Reeves, and most recently John M. Greenberg of The Outlaw Firm (Blakely, Greenberg, & Martinez).

Thank you Charlie Cox & the fine folks at Hill Country National Bank for supporting the live music at Trailblazer Grille including the Blakely-Martinez shows.Stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee with Charlie.
1210 S. Water Street
P.O. Box 580
Burnet , TX 78611
Ph.: 512-756-7363
Fax: 512-756-7376
Thank you Dr. David Weber and your team for years of supporting JAM shows and live music in the Texas Hill Country. Also, thank you for the expert eye services you provide working musicians like me!
206 Hwy. 281 North
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Ph.: 830-693-2020

Thank you Dean Smith Insurance for years of supporting JAM shows in our community. Dean is an authorized Germania agent.
305 W. Polk Street
Burnet, TX 78611
Email: dean@deansmithinsurance.com

Thank you Brandon and Angela Smith for supporting JAM shows in our community. Contact Brandon
at willissmithinspections.com
300 Turlak Road
Burnet, TX 78611

Thank you Reed and Jeri Norman for supporting JAM shows in our community.
Contact the Normans
1007 Ridge Point Drive
Marble Falls, TX 78654
(830) 385-6792
Thanks to these fine couples for supporting our concerts:
John & Laura Towers
Tony & Rona Valadez
Doug & Corinna Oliver
Thank you to these corporate sponsors:
DR Strings
K&K Pickups
Takamine Guitars
Rebecca Creek Distillery